In the picture below it shows: Dr. Pablo Salamea Molina doing what he loves to do.....helping the less fortunate children of his country.
Child 705 is Maria Evangelina from La Troncal. La Troncal is a canton of Ecuador, located in the Cañar Province. Its capital is the town of La Troncal.
She is 3 months old and had a very bad cleft lip. An hour and a half later, she is on her way to a better life!
Child 706 is little cutie, Domenica Abigail from Sigsig. Sígsig Canton is a canton of Ecuador, located in the Azuay Province. Its capital is the town of Sígsig. Its population at the 2001 census was 24,635. Wikipedia
Dr. Pablo repaired her cleft lip this past week. Both of these surgeries were performed at Hospital del Rio.
Also is little Jaime (707) who was referred to us by Garry from Hogar de Esperanza, in Cuenca.. Dr. Pablo performed his cleft lip surgery at Hospital Vicente Moscoso as this little one had a previous heart surgery there and needed to be monitored by his heart surgeon.
All three of these children will not grow up with the stigma of a cleft lip and will be able to speak and eat normally.
All three families are very grateful to Dr. Pablo and all our donors who make these little miracles happen!