...is Batista, a four month old boy from La Liberdad near Salinas, along with his parents.
Batista was born with hydrocephaly ( water on the brain) and several weeks ago his parents were informed he needed urgent surgery or he would suffer brain damage.
Luis Galarza, our HKIE board member from the coast, coordinated between the parents, Sister Veronica from Palmar and Hospital Roberto Gilbert in Guayaquil. Yesterday Batista received his life changing surgery. He will remain in the hospital under observation for two weeks. Please keep him and his parents in your thoughts and prayers.
We want to thank all of our loyal HKIE supporters for making this surgery possible!
Batista was born with hydrocephaly ( water on the brain) and several weeks ago his parents were informed he needed urgent surgery or he would suffer brain damage.
Luis Galarza, our HKIE board member from the coast, coordinated between the parents, Sister Veronica from Palmar and Hospital Roberto Gilbert in Guayaquil. Yesterday Batista received his life changing surgery. He will remain in the hospital under observation for two weeks. Please keep him and his parents in your thoughts and prayers.
We want to thank all of our loyal HKIE supporters for making this surgery possible!