This is 4 year old Jeremi.
Jereni was involved in a horrible automobile accident when he was one old and literally lost most of his face. The family was told by the clinic in Quito there was nothing to be done. Fortunately the family was able to contact a German foundation there which arranged with a hospital in Germany to perform whatever surgeries necessary or possible there. The only cost to the family would be their transportation.
Jeremi has had several surgeries and is leaving in October for another: this one to create a mouth.
In the meantime Jeremi needed a new prosthetic to cover most of his face and create an eye and a nose. Thanks to Dra Mariela Elisa Siguencia Siguencia, Dr Pablo Salamea Molina, Hospital del Rio, and most importantly, our HKIE supporters, Jeremi received his prosthetic face piece.
His mother know feels she can take him out in public and perhaps get him in school.
Once Jeremi has suffiicent time to recover from his next surgery, we will bring back to Cuenca to see if any of his future surgeries can done here.
What a life changer for Jeremi!!
A huge thank you goes out to our friend Ed Lindquist from Expat Magazine for bringing Jeremi to our attention. Thanks Ed!
Jereni was involved in a horrible automobile accident when he was one old and literally lost most of his face. The family was told by the clinic in Quito there was nothing to be done. Fortunately the family was able to contact a German foundation there which arranged with a hospital in Germany to perform whatever surgeries necessary or possible there. The only cost to the family would be their transportation.
Jeremi has had several surgeries and is leaving in October for another: this one to create a mouth.
In the meantime Jeremi needed a new prosthetic to cover most of his face and create an eye and a nose. Thanks to Dra Mariela Elisa Siguencia Siguencia, Dr Pablo Salamea Molina, Hospital del Rio, and most importantly, our HKIE supporters, Jeremi received his prosthetic face piece.
His mother know feels she can take him out in public and perhaps get him in school.
Once Jeremi has suffiicent time to recover from his next surgery, we will bring back to Cuenca to see if any of his future surgeries can done here.
What a life changer for Jeremi!!
A huge thank you goes out to our friend Ed Lindquist from Expat Magazine for bringing Jeremi to our attention. Thanks Ed!