This month, we supported 17 children facing various health challenges, including scoliosis, Kawasaki disease, peritonitis, penoscrotal hypospadias, tympanitis, tonsillitis, and inguinal hernia, among others. Some of these conditions required surgical intervention, and thanks to this support, these children now have a chance for a better quality of life. Our mission remains steadfast: to improve the well-being of children in need. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, doctors, and volunteers for making this possible.
This month, we had the privilege of assisting around 19 children with various needs, including vision problems, cheiloplasty, appendicitis, and vascular malformations, among others. It's been another month of making a positive impact on their lives, offering them better opportunities and brighter futures. We are deeply grateful to the doctors, donors, and volunteers who made this possible. If you want to continue supporting our mission and help more children, please follow us on Facebook and contact us for more information on how you can get involved. This month, we've assisted 18 children with diverse needs, such as cleft lip, eye problems, posture correction, and ear surgery, among others. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who makes this possible: our donors and volunteers, whose generosity and dedication support this important work. Additionally, we're collaborating with two other foundations to help Melany regain her sight.
This month, we assisted 19 children with diverse needs ranging from wheelchairs to complex surgeries, including cleft palate and eye surgeries. We are grateful to our donors whose unwavering support enables us to continue our mission of helping children through this foundation.
This month we beat a record, we helped 31 kids.
We go from covering glasses to ear conduct surgery! None of these would have been possible without the help of our donors and doctors. To find more please visit our Facebook page : Helping Kids in Ecuador This month we helped 26 kids!
Our kids needs go from nutrition to prosthetics. With your help and thanks to our volunteer doctors and partners we were able to perform surgeries that not only changed the kids life but the whole family's. This past month HKIE helped 17 kids.
None of this would have been achieved without the help of our doctors and donors. Patients keep getting their lifes changed thanks to our team and your donations! As the new year starts we are to a great start. This month we helped 13 kids.
Our pacients received life changing procedures, heart surgery, eye surgery, cleft paletes and hernia surgery. In addition to wheel chairs and orthipedic equipment. The last month of the year and we keep working for our kids.
This month HKIE reached 1000 kids helped since its formation! Thank you for making this possible. We helped 14 kids just in December. Some of our procedures were: ocular surgery , hernia , cleft paletes and we also provided orthopedic equipment for our kids. None of this would be possible without you help, Thank you! Happy 2024! This month HKIE helped 31 kids!!
HKIE Kids 968 - 999 received glasses, clef palate surgeries and bladder operations among other life changing procedures. Thanks Doctors and Donors! |