This is 19 year old Blanca. She was born without a left eye and her parents could not afford a prosthetic eye. All her life she has worn her hair to cover the missing eye.
Thanks to the HKIE supporters and Dra Mariela Elisa Siguencia she received her temporary eye yesterday. She will "wear" it for a week. If the fit is right, Dra Siguencia will then create a new one that will match her other eye!
Thank you Dra Siguencia and all the HKIE supporters who make this possible.
Thanks to the HKIE supporters and Dra Mariela Elisa Siguencia she received her temporary eye yesterday. She will "wear" it for a week. If the fit is right, Dra Siguencia will then create a new one that will match her other eye!
Thank you Dra Siguencia and all the HKIE supporters who make this possible.